Paying for IV Infusion
NEED HELP?: Give us a call, at 1-844-267-3689. If you need support starting or staying on COSENTYX, COSENTYX® Connect is here to help.
COVERAGE: Most insurers cover medications that are administered by your healthcare provider, such as COSENTYX infusions, under your medical insurance rather than through your prescription insurance.
CO-PAY SAVINGS: Co-pay support may be available to help with the cost of your infusion administration and COSENTYX prescription if you are eligible. That means if you have commercial or private prescription insurance, you may be eligible for co-pay support toward the cost of both COSENTYX and the administration.ǁ Call 1-844-267-3689 for more information.
ǁLimitations apply. Valid only for those with private insurance. Program provides up to $16,000 annually for the cost of COSENTYX and up to $150 per infusion (up to $1,950 annually) for the cost of administration. Co-pay support for infusion administration cost not available in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. Offer not valid under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this program without notice. See complete Terms & Conditions for details.
Paying for Self-Injection
We've got you covered
At COSENTYX® Connect, we are committed to helping make your medication as affordable as possible. A COSENTYX® Connect Team Member will help you understand your insurance coverage benefits and learn more about the options below that can help you pay for COSENTYX if you are eligible.

Actor Portrayal
94% of eligible patients who used the co-pay* program paid $0 out of pocket for COSENTYX.†
†2022 data on file.
Get up to 2 years of COSENTYX for free if eligible‡
The cost of biologics varies, based on certain factors. First, there’s the type of insurance you have and your prescription coverage. There are also differences in initial dosing, maintenance dosing, and the potential for dose adjustments. Because of all these factors, costs can vary.
The list (or wholesale) price for COSENTYX, as of January 2025 is $7,631.23 a month for either a 150-mg or a 300-mg dose strength self-injection package and $4,315.02 per intravenous infusion.§ The list price may not reflect the price paid by patients; most patients with prescription coverage will pay less.
§A month is defined as once every 4 weeks. Costs may vary depending on your condition, dosage, and how COSENTYX is taken. The price per IV infusion is for a patient weighing 165 lbs. to 310 lbs. Monthly costs and dosing for IV COSENTYX may vary depending on your body weight.
Novartis Patient Assistance Foundation
The Novartis Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc. (NPAF), a non-profit organization, is committed to providing access to Novartis medications for those most in need. If you are experiencing financial hardship, have limited or no prescription coverage, and cannot afford the cost of your medications, then you may be eligible to receive Novartis medications for free. To learn more, call 1-800-277-2254 or visit www.PAP.Novartis.com.

Questions about your insurance coverage?
If you’re enrolled in COSENTYX® Connect and you have changes in coverage or loss of insurance, or you are wondering about your co-pay, you can call COSENTYX® Connect at 1-844-COSENTYX (1-844-267-3689). You can also get more answers to insurance coverage questions and find helpful resources here or download the Insurance Coverage Questions brochure.

Individual results may vary. Brooke was compensated for her time.
“My insurance wouldn’t pay for COSENTYX. And then COSENTYX was nice enough to give me a year for free. So it was a relief not to have to worry about the insurance part of it.”
“You guys have been great about answering questions about my insurance and setting up delivery. I've had no problems at all with getting the medication.”

Individual results may vary. Dewey was compensated for his time.
Terms and Conditions
Program Terms & Conditions: Limitations apply. Valid only for those with private insurance. Program provides up to $16,000 annually for the cost of COSENTYX and up to $150 per infusion (up to $1,950 annually) for the cost of administration. Co-pay support for infusion administration cost not available in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. Patient is responsible for any costs once limit is reached in a calendar year. Program not valid (i) under Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, VA, DoD, or any other federal or state healthcare program, (ii) where patient is not using insurance coverage at all, (iii) where the patient’s insurance plan reimburses for the entire cost of the drug, or (iv) where product is not covered by patient’s insurance. The value of this program is exclusively for the benefit of patients and is intended to be credited towards patient out-of-pocket obligations and maximums, including applicable co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Program is not valid where prohibited by law. Patient may not seek reimbursement for the value received from this program from other parties, including any health insurance program or plan, flexible spending account, or healthcare savings account. Patient is responsible for complying with any applicable limitations and requirements of their health plan related to the use of the Program. Valid only in the US and Puerto Rico. This Program is not health insurance. Program may not be combined with any third-party rebate, coupon, or offer. Proof of purchase may be required. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend the Program and discontinue support at any time without notice.
‡The Covered Until You're Covered Program is available for COSENTYX subcutaneous injection only. Eligible patients must have private insurance, a valid prescription for COSENTYX, and a denial of insurance coverage based on a prior authorization request. Program requires the submission of an appeal of the coverage denial within the first 90 days of enrollment in order to remain eligible. Program provides COSENTYX for free to eligible patients for up to two years, or until they receive insurance coverage approval, whichever occurs earlier. A valid prescription consistent with FDA-approved labeling is required. Program is not available to patients whose medications are reimbursed in whole or in part by Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or any other federal or state program. Patients may be asked to reverify insurance coverage status during the course of the program. No purchase necessary. Program is not health insurance, nor is participation a guarantee of insurance coverage. Limitations may apply. Enrolled patients awaiting coverage for COSENTYX after two years may be eligible for a limited Program extension. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this Program without notice.