For adults with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa

Watch "Spill on IL-17A” to see how COSENTYX is thought to work differently.
Did you know that a molecule called IL-17A is thought to play a role in HS symptoms? Too much IL-17A can lead to too much inflammation. This can cause the painful bumps and abscesses you see on your skin. Watch this video to see how taking COSENTYX can help target and block IL-17A.†
Some IL-17A is normal, but when you have HS, it is believed that your body produces too much IL-17A. This can result in too much inflammation that may cause bumps and abscesses that can hurt. Over time, HS may progress or get worse if left untreated, and may lead to scarring.
COSENTYX is a biologic—a protein-based medication that is made from living sources and taken by injection.
Take on HS from the inside out. Talk to a dermatologist to see if COSENTYX may be right for you.
†The relationship between how COSENTYX works in the body and how it affects your symptoms is unknown.

Individual results may vary. Lily was compensated for her time.
“I absolutely would encourage people struggling with HS to talk to their dermatologist about COSENTYX® to see if it is right for them.”
– Lily, actual patient